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LNG\CNG refueling station Location:Home > Product>Complete equipment>LNG\CNG refueling station


The main course of work of LNG refueling station is to pressurize the liquid in LNG low-temperature storage tank through low-temperature immersed pump, convey it to LNG dispenser via pipeline, measure it, and then inject it into the vehicle fueled by LNG.
In the design, the low-temperature storage tank, the pressurized gasification device, the pipeline, the control valve, the low-temperature immersed pump, the pump sump and the injection system are all installed on the skid mount package.
The station has the following features:
※  Concentrated and integrated design to facilitate small area coverage, easy on-site installation and prompt use;
※  Skid-mounted design to facilitate transportation and transfer, featuring good maneuverability;
※  Originally imported key parts and explosion-proof, safe and reliable electric instrument;
※  Short process pipeline, short pre-cooling time and quick injection;
※  PLC automatic control, sound human-machine interface and easy operation.

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