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Asia is desperate for diversification of crude oil varieties

Published:2015-06-03    浏览次数:2808
A source familiar with the matter said in April 21, ENN Energy Holdings Limited (ENN Energy), a private energy company in China, is currently negotiating with an LNG supplier in Asia for a long-term LNG supply contract that will begin in 2018. 

ENN Energy has been committed to long-term delivery of LNG to Zhoushan terminal, this source said.

He added that, LNG shipments will begin in 2018, but so far the source of supply has not been identified. 

ENN Energy has been working with a number of LNG suppliers in the Asia-Pacific region to discuss the issue of LNG imports, but it is said that this private buyer is focusing on a portfolio supplier who has LNG export position in Southeast Asia.

ENN Energy has a 3 million t/a terminal project in Zhejiang Province, and in the future, LNG imports from the Asia-Pacific region will be delivered to this terminal.

In January, regasification terminal project of ENN Energy was approved for construction. This project is preliminarily scheduled to be completed before the end of 2016.

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